Monday, April 20, 2015

April Update

It's been too long between posts, so I thought I should add something. Training has been going well. I joined a miles challenge with a group of runners I've known for quite awhile. I picked the 150 mile level - the challenge ran from the last week of February to the 1st of April. Despite not running too much while on vacation in Florida, I was able to eclipse 200 miles during that timeframe. I ran more miles and more consistently than I ever have. Additionally, my long runs got longer and I managed to get out for a couple 14+ mile runs.

Once the challenge ended I began a stretch of three weeks where I wasn't able to get my long runs in for a variety of reasons. I've still been able to run during the week and have pretty much switched over to morning runs.

Besides running, I've been incorporating a number of strength-related exercises into my routine:

  • body-weight squats
  • balancing on one foot
  • situps
  • pushups
So far, these have been helping. I feel I'm building strength in my legs and have seen my pace increase. I haven't been able to run these paces for quite some time. Now I'm looking to add some variety into these routines and will look to add some single leg squats and lunges into the routine. 

This past weekend I was up north in the area where my July race will be run but wasn't able to get out for a run  - too many fun things going on. So I will either look to get up there again between now and the race or I will just concentrate on my miles closer to home and finding more trails to run on down here. That's about it for now, thanks for reading.

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